The NewGen Solution Explorer

NetSuite Advanced File Upload and Attachment

Upload files against transactions and dynamically rename them on the fly

Key benefits

The NewGen NetSuite Advanced File Upload and Attachment adds functionality to allow a user to upload one or many files against a transaction and have the system dynamically rename them prior to storage in the NetSuite file cabinet.

Ideal for expense reports, but can be applied to all transaction types. Uploaded files will be renamed according to a template designate within settings for the functionality, this ensures that uploaded files will not overwrite existing file within the file cabinet. For expense reports, it can also allow for designating desired line to which a file should be linked.


How It Works

The functionality adds a button to the expense report or transaction that when pressed opens up a window where the user can find and attach their files. When submitted the system will rename the files according to the user defined settings and attach the items to the record and, optionally, the line level of the expense report. Admins can also access a settings record which allows users to define various aspects of the functionality, including file name format, target upload folder, and maximum file to upload at a time.

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