Let’s talk!
ConventionSuite was designed using a Hybrid+Core approach that is built on a leading cloud ERP platform, NetSuite.
But is that enough for the venue industry?
A Hybrid+Core approach simply means the system was designed to be used in a show and/or project centric environment with the added capability of using ERP Core components.
With that being said; A system that can serve as a Hybrid model is one that can relate to the fact that your service model can be delivered by (GC) show and/or (EH, SM) project centric methodologies and will allow your organization to overcome the short comings of traditional industry standard software, allowing your venue to use internal or external resources in a way that achieves your corporate initiatives on your own terms.
But often in the venue industry a Hybrid approach with a show or project centric delivery methodology is not enough! That is when the certainty of “versatility of Core” shines through!
Definition of “versatility of core”
Platform – Feature rich using industry standard ERP components
Open Architecture – Technically accepted development tools
Result set – very pliable
Let’s Learn!
Hybrid+Core is a great combination, but the “versatility of core” is the key in the venue industry!
- Let’s Discuss CRM! Whether you are in a sales or support assurance cycle, customers and prospects need the certainty that you are capable of providing them with peace of mind by using the “best industry practices” available.
+ CRM Core used in a Show and Project -Centric environment
will be used for:
Examples of Sales and support workflow assurances screens:
Scheduling Sales and support tasks:
Creating an Estimate in the Sales Process.
That Follows Through into a Support Project.
Creating automated workflows
Creating Lists within CRM Based on Past Sales History
Support workflow approach assurances:
Tracking support cases:
As you can see; by using CRM Core we have added the assurance of “certainty of collaboration” in the sales and support cycles – separating us from the “business as usual” types – or may we say the reactive majority vs. pro-active minority.
Let’s be innovative!
Innovation separates the leaders from the followers. Understanding that the best technology gives many companies in today’s ultra-competitive environment the foundation to use “best practices” in a way they could only of imagined a few short years ago. By using the right platform – innovation comes easily.
Innovation comes in many forms, ask us for other ways our technology sets us apart!
Let’s Grow!
With its roots firmly planted on the #1 cloud-based ERP in the world NetSuite, ConventionSuite has a foundation that many organizations dream about.
NetSuite’s platform is used by 16,000 plus companies worldwide (multi-lingual/currency).
NetSuite’s power is derived from the fact it is a totally integrated business system. With that being said; NetSuite for the Convention/Event industry(ConventionSuite) was originally designed for the General Contractor, Show Management, and Exhibit House side of the business due to the strength of the integrated E-Commerce, but quickly branched into the Exhibitor appointed contractors and I & D side of the business due to NetSuite’s strong project tracking, inventory, fixed assets and scheduling functionality.
Let’s look!
NewGen Business Solutions is an expert in “open architecture” business process and we have an alternative for you! ConventionSuite. ConventionSuite is powered by the Hybrid+Core approach that’s built on the world’s #1 cloud ERP platform NetSuite.
SO —Let’s talk, so we can learn, innovate, look, grow and best of all – WIN!
Contact us if you would like to talk more on this subject!