NetSuite Customer Portrait – Lucy Locket

Lucy Locket is a British designer and distributor of children’s ballet and costume products. Watch Paul Edwick, Chief Executive, discuss how NetSuite has enabled Lucy Locket to grow into new markets and shift into the digital age. NetSuite Customer Portrait – Lucy Locket – YouTube

NetSuite Customer Story – Mind Gym

Mind Gym is a British professional training and coaching firm that extends it’s services to 53% of the S&P 100. They are market disruptors that use psychological training sessions to instill engagement in the workplace. Watch the Mind Gym team discuss how they’ve been able to scale their business quickly and consistently with NetSuite. NetSuite […]

SuiteWorld 2016 Executive Session – Going Global

Globalization is unstoppable. Today’s market requires companies to accelerate entry into new markets, and engage with customers, vendors and suppliers both around the corner as well as across the globe. But doing so adds tremendous business complexity, local accounting and compliance rules, multiple currencies, languages, and much more. Watch this insightful and practical session, “Going […]

SuiteWorld 2016 Executive Session – Business Model Innovation

Business models are under attack as companies seek to unleash more value and sharpen their competitive edge. To achieve this, high growth businesses need more than brilliant insights at the right place and the right time – they need modern, scalable systems capable of supporting changing monetization models with speed, agility and ease. In this […]

SuiteWorld 2016 Executive Session – Raise the Bar

Today’s digital marketplace requires companies to establish the right technology foundation. Simply replacing your front end, customer-facing systems won’t create experiences to differentiate your brand and delight your customers. In this session, “Raise the Bar: Build the Foundation for Great Customer Experiences,” you will learn how to establish a foundation to eliminate fragmented and duplicate […]

SuiteWorld 2016 Executive Session – Modern Finance

Modern finance leaders employ their operational and analytical expertise to identify opportunities for growth and efficiency. Cloud-based financial systems are the must-have technology to support rapid growth, business transformation, or even the path to an initial public offering (IPO). High-growth businesses need modern financial solutions that are scalable, adaptable and meet the tough reporting and […]

SuiteWorld 2016 Executive Session – Making it Manufacturing

Manufacturing is changing – fast! Disruptive innovations are converging – including new materials, processes, Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud based systems, making it difficult for manufacturers to keep pace, stay competitive and differentiate themselves. Watch this session, “Making the Move: Manufacturing Thrives in the Cloud,” as we examine the market forces, trends and challenges […]

NetSuite SuiteVolunteers

Learn more about’s pro bono program, SuiteVolunteers. NetSuite SuiteVolunteers – YouTube

Netsuite NOW June/July 2016

NetSuite Now is a video series for NetSuite employees to stay connected to everything NetSuite. The June 2016 episode highlights SuiteWorld16, NetSuite’s biggest event of the year for NetSuite customers and partners. Joel on the Street returns with our own “SuiteStanley.” NetSuite NOW June/July 2016 – YouTube

NetSuite Customer Spotlight – Snapchat

With 100 million daily users and over 10 billion videos viewed every day, NetSuite customer, Snapchat, relies on real-time information to make critical business decisions. Watch Snapchat’s Chief Strategy Officer, Imran Khan, discuss the Snapchat business and the importance of systems like NetSuite. NetSuite Customer Spotlight – Snapchat – YouTube