We Are Jettin!

Brought to you by NewGen, a customer-centric ERP consulting group with over 25-years of experience

Let’s Talk and Learn!
We are Jettin’, and we hope you are Jettin’ too!

Many of us talk about the whole – Crawl, walk and run thing, makes sense doesn’t it? The Logical steps in achieving “how to best win”.
Let’s take those steps and apply them to our business systems, and then take them a bit further by adding stationary and Jettin’ – we now have “Stationary, Crawl, Walk, Run and Jettin’

Let us define:

Stationary – Just barely getting by.

•We have five disjointed systems–some on our server, others stored on someone else’s server in a garage somewhere.

•We spend tons of time just syncing them and making them operate and the upgrades! Geez… are they done yet?

Crawl – We have managed to start to inch forward.

•We have managed to cut deals with the vendors of our disjointed Apps and they will now cap the dollar amount we have to spend for the maintenance of them. Their only stipulation is they still have to to run them on their garage server.

Walk – Feeling good Struttin’ our stuff.

•Combined Apps down to three now, with solid syncs from reputable companies.

•Broken free of the garage server, now hosting them on a reputable server farm.

•Still working with vendors that have no clue about our business, but how many wins can we have at once? … Reputable server farm makes my day!

Run – Just sprinting along, Feelin good!

•One App in the cloud.

•Handles Financials, CRM, Case management, Project Management, and Payroll. Also, Hybrid – Exhibitor Services (Show-centric) / Exhibit House (project-centric)

*Jettin’ – Who the h*ll was that we just passed? A car, tanker truck or the Planters Peanut mobile. (I know, I know – I don’t mean to be insensitive, just having some fun! There is a “baby Mr. Peanut” now – right?)

            •We are now “big stable data-ing it”

•Able to use 5g data access, with one reliable data set

•Start looking at how we are, going to live the 4th industrial revolution dream

But wait, what about those ConventionSuite/NetSuite ADVANTAGE APPS? Holy Peanuts, what are those?? Takin’ it to the NEXT LEVEL!

*Geez, I just looked up the definition of “Jettin’” Since I’m not an Urban slang type of guy — Don’t take me out of context – to me “jettin’” means moving fast. Glad I looked this one up! 😉

Let’s Innovate!
Logical steps are a path to winning. We all go through them on the path to success!
How many steps can you take? Be the best you can be!

Let’s Grow!
With its roots firmly planted on the #1 cloud-based ERP in the world, NetSuite, ConventionSuite has a foundation that many organizations dream about. NetSuite’s platform is used by over 16,000 companies worldwide (multi-lingual/currency).

NetSuite’s power is derived from the fact it is a totally integrated business system. With that being said, NetSuite for the Convention/Event industry (ConventionSuite) was originally designed for the General Contractor, Show Management, and Exhibit House side of the business due to the strength of the integrated E-Commerce.

It quickly branched into the Venue and I & D side of the business due to NetSuite’s strong project tracking, inventory, fixed assets and scheduling functionality.

Let’s look!
NewGen Business Solutions is an expert in “open architecture” business processes for the Event Industry and we have an alternative for you! ConventionSuite. ConventionSuite is powered by the Hybrid+Core approach that’s built on the world’s #1 cloud ERP platform, NetSuite.

SO —Let’s talk so we can learn, innovate, look, grow and best of all – Be Jettin’!

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- Joel, Stack Sports
"[With NewGen] We are now a medium sized company with the same tools as a Fortune 500 company."
- Nick, Las Vegas Expo
"We sincerely appreciate the way they conduct business."
- Autumn, Polar Tech Industries Inc.
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