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In most companies, the line to get help from IT to change business applications is so long that people give up trying. Only the biggest ideas with the biggest payoffs make it worth enduring the wait and expense. PDF Download

Highlight of NetSuite Capabilities

From its inception, NetSuite set out to solve problems in not just one application area, but to provide a better way to run the most important processes in a business. With NetSuite, integration is inherent in the product. PDF Download

Benefits of a World-Class Data Center

One of the biggest benefits of using a cloud vendor is its ability to provide customers with a world-class data center that meets the highest standards of reliability but also are so secure that companies can confidently present a broader face to the internet and include partners and customers as users of business applications. PDF […]

Cloud Computing has Multiple Environmental Benefits

Environmental responsibility is a growing concern for many companies. Research by Greenspace, a supplier of green operations and maintenance products and analytical solutions, has identified cost savings and environmental benefits of using a cloud model. PDF Download

NewGen speaks at University of Chicago Booth School Entrepreneurial Roundtable

Transforming the Way Business Works “Cloud computing” offers small and mid-sized businesses a way of transforming the way they work, market, serve customers and compete. Today, they can have computing and communications capability comparable to the largest companies without the huge up-front investment or on-going expense of having a large IT department. Cloud computing also […]

Skyjack Improves Business Efficiencies

With NewGen’s MAS200 Optimization Services! Private Company, founded 1986, Parts Center Located in St. Charles, Illinois. World Headquarters is in Guelph, Ontario. Skyjack engages in the design, manufacture, sale and service of propelled scissor lifts. System Profile Microsoft Windows Users on the system: 30 MAS Modules in Operation Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Bill of Materials […]